Staff welfare is not an option; It’s a process (unskippable)

Well… it actually commences at anything that organization does for the comfort and satisfaction of employees over and above the salary paid.

Happy employees stay. It has been discovered that the cost to replace an employee is way too higher than contributing minimal perks on several activities as well as employees welfare schemes in order to keep a workforce mentally and physically healthy.

What if an employee quits from the healthcare organization because of not being motivated in any other way despite monthly salary! It starts right from advertising for the position, screening the resumes, interviewing prospective candidates (often, multiple times), and finally introducing someone new to the ongoing working environment and re-train them – the most incurred in this process is usually under-estimated or not looked into. This transitional process has a huge potential in impacting patient satisfaction during their hospital visits.

As a matter of fact, the longer people stick with their jobs, the more proficient they become, and that has a huge impact on productivity.

Word-of-mouth advertising cannot be bought. When people chat with others they ideally talk about companies (hospitals) that have been good to them and those that have been terrible. So, It is up to the company how are they going to have them turned into a positive conversation which is likely a free marketing.

Providing employee benefits such as refreshments -tea/coffee with nutritious biscuits once a day, staff room – where they could refresh themselves and Mediclaim Insurance – provides adequate insurance coverage of employees for expenses related to hospitalization due to illness, disease, injury or pregnancy etc… all these would encourage the employees to stick around the hospital for a long while.

Paying attention to employee welfare makes ethical and fiscal sense for everybody.

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