How to reduce professional fatigue?!

If you are the primary doctor for your hospital, then the below is for you.Let’s consider you have a good flow of patients. Many of you spend most time consulting patients, as you continue to believe seeing them well and by ‘you’ is the best way to continue the success. In fact, many hesitate to divert the patients to DMOs or other doctors for the fear of losing them. But, you need to understand that this can affect you personally in many ways.

  • The amount of time you spend sleeping has an impact on your health.

  • You are unable to concentrate on other tasks.

  • You are unable to eat on time.

  • Many important or emergency calls go unanswered.

  • Your professional life is taking up more of your time, and you are unable to explore new things.

  • Your intention to complete a fresh implementation on your schedule was shattered on OP.

The following are some things that could be done to reduce the time you might have to spend with the patients but without losing them

  • Assign one member of the nursing staff to handle OP on their own (mainly to collect patient information).
  • Direct the staff to always engage the patients (offering pamphlets, newspapers, and TV screens in the OPD area).
  • Select or appoint a physician assistant or a DMO who could do the initial assessment and documentation and may even divert for investigations
  • This assessment can sometimes be done in the waiting area itself.

As a result, the authorized DMO visits the entire OP area and sits and assists at an open OPD near reception for 30 minutes to 2 hours.

We understand that the complete OPD cannot be treated on-site, but we can treat seasonal diseases, fever, follow-ups, etc can be managed in the waiting area itself.
Have you noticed how many of them don’t wear their masks on properly?Have you noticed a lot of people talking loudly on their phones?
Silent please, “keep a distance,” and “Please wait till your turn” is among the messages on your screens. Only half of the population has the ability to follow the lead of others. All of the aforementioned orders shall have better adhered to if the DMO begins visiting the OPD area. You will almost surely earn a positive review if the patient’s confidence level grows as the doctor is within their reach.

This can help filter the patients who definitely have to be seen by you and those who could have been satisfactorily managed by others. This could help you spend more time with deserving patients and also reduce mental fatigue, at the same time providing enough time to spend on administrative issues.
Also, start monitoring the OPD Register whether it’s been well maintained. When you start seeing the OP register, other department registers will be up to date.
If you don’t have an OPD register, introduce one as it shall help you to understand the OP flow and the numbers of patients seen by the DMO/others.

At the end of the preserving, your physical and mental health is important for health & happiness..

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