“Prevention is better than cure“-We all know the importance of this quote.We would like to apply the same quote for biomedical equipment in hospitals too.
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- Battery backup
- Front and back panel
- Display conditions & functions
- Power supply
- Grounding level
Try avoiding encouraging technicians to do PM for equipments which can lead to more problems.
The biomedical engineer must be aware about the equipment’s status before planning for PM. Sometimes even a PM can cause damage to the equipment if the person is not sure of the equipment’s status & condition. In addition, special care has to be given especially to the older equipments as the fragility is more. Finally provide a checklist to the particular user(s) for all the equipments for reference.
Although we do preventive maintenance every four months once, ” it’s very important that the staff be adequately trained enough to handle the equipments “. Hence it’s the biomedical engineer’s responsibility to conduct trainings periodically to ensure smooth equipment handling by the staff and also implement an equipment handover register in all the possible areas such as wards, casualty, ICU, and OT.